Friday, November 27, 2009
I've decided to blog a little before i head off to dreamland.

A while ago, I just went for a flu jab. I've been constantly having them for quite a few years now. I think probably for 5-6 years. The first time I went for one, I remember being apprehensive about the effects and possible benefits I would get but I have to say, I never did once regret these jabs. It would be too much of a stretch to say that the flu jabs prevented me from ever falling ill. Yet I think it is within reason to say that they have kept me flu-free most of the time. Nowadays I get bitten by the flu bug maybe twice a year. Pretty impressive considering I used to fall sick every other month. For $30 I think it is really worth it. I HATE having flu, especially runny rose. Urgh. Huge pain to have to keep stopping the flow or to keep looking out for dustbins to get rid of all the disgusting mucus-full tissue papers. =S

Hmm talking about JABS. I had a couple of jabs for an entirely different reason a couple of months ago. Cervarix, it is called. I took them because dad said that they would help prevent cervical cancer. Incidentally, I had picked up a brochure from school which was about cervical cancer. I learnt then that it is one of the BIG KILLERS. 5th most common cancer in Singapore (HPB), with the Chinese having the highest incidence rate. I've always feared contracting cancer and the likes of terminal diseases so I thought, "Why not?", prevention is better than cure.

Cerarix is best administered when you are 16 and above, and sexually naive. (I'm sure you know what that means...). It is given in 3 separate dosages. The second one is one month after the first jab while the third follows 6 months after the 2nd. After these 3 dosages, the effects are said to last for life.

I've had 2 jabs since. I can't say that I'm looking forward to the last one. The jabs, I won't lie, are the worst I've ever had. Taking into account the fact that I have had a fair amount of needles poked into me through the years, including and not restricting to the flu jabs, Hep B jabs and even an IV drip, you can imagine my pain. I could be an isolated case though. I asked my doctor about the pain and numbness. She said that individuals react differently to the drug. I'm one of those who feel soreness and numbness and even pain. She told me however that BCG is still the worst (I've never had it so I can't tell you), followed by Hep B(which wasn't bad for me. weird) then probably Cerarix.

Well, the first time I had Cerarix, I took it on my left forearm. The needle went in fine. When the doctor started applying pressure to the syringe to inject the solution into my muscle, ah that's when the soreness starts. I thought nothing of it, attributing it to the fact that my muscles are not used to the drug. I waved off doctor's concerned suggestions of a cream to relief the soreness and went home. Oh, that night was horrible. It wasn't so much painful as it was a hindrance to my sleep. I could hardly lie on my arm and I was forced to sleep on my back, wincing each time I forgot about my tender arm and placed my body weight on it. Terrible. It lasted for 2 days, easing off only on the 3rd day. Awful.

One month later, I was once again sitting in my doctor's waiting room, awaiting my 2nd dosage. This time I was a little smarter. I requested for the injection to be administered to my butt region. Because there is more flesh there, it usually hurts much less. After ensuring that I was in a comfortable position, doctor asked me to relax and, there goes my 2nd dosage. Urgh. I still don't like it all that much. This time around, I could still feel the soreness but at least it wasn't as pronounced as the last time. I had problems sitting properly for a while though, being unable to apply my whole body weight to the injection spot. I basically sat on one butt cheek. My back hurts from that position. Compared to the previous time, it was a little less discomfort but still quite uncomfortable.

Its worth it though. Its pricey treatment, $140 a jab but, at least I would be insured against cervical cancer (for the most part). My last jab... is in 5 months time. I opt for the butt again. Poor butt, I'm sorry you have to suffer, but I'd rather you than left forearm. =x

Consider those 2 jabs (if you are a female of course!) and the flu one (if you are a guy). I strongly recommend!! =)

No I'm not a sadist, I do not have a morbid liking of needles.
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