Friday, September 12, 2008
A conversation i had earlier with ming jie...

うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
-yi* xoxo says:
-yi* xoxo says:
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
-yi* xoxo says:
not bad
-yi* xoxo says:
still surviving
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
-yi* xoxo says:
i try my best lo
-yi* xoxo says:
not doing much now
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
あなた わ なんさい ですか?
-yi* xoxo says:
they are just different la
-yi* xoxo says:
no reason
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
i really though u understood what i meant

Apparently for 2/3 if the conversation, i had him fooled because it seemed as though i was answering his questions till he totally changed the topic and i was uncovered as a fake. HAHA!!! The whole thing began when he just came and talk to me, all in jap. I decided to play along, and answered him as i would normally with the usual questions... guess that he can't possibly differ from normal conversation that much. And just coincidentally, all my answers fit to his questions. See how pro i am!! xp

うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
ya lo
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
u nearly fooled me
-yi* xoxo says:
u must be like HUH how come she knows wad i'm saying!!
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:
yeah lo
うえのじゅり ちゃんがだいすき says:

COOLNESS redefined. =)
And someone help me pls. i'm in financial crisis...
Anyone want to be my sugar daddy? HAHAHAHA.


I love my thurs with you.
My weekly dose of happiness, joy, laughter, love and affection.
Its like every thurs, the sun specially shines brighter, to light up the stained window pane which is my life, exhibiting all my glory, my colours staining everything and anything around me till all is bathed in rainbow colours.
I do love you. That much i do know.
"I love the way you handle me"- My Sassy Girl.
And if i could be anywhere in the world, it goes without saying that i'll choose to be in your arms, right beside you.
Its you that I miss even if I just said goodbye a minute ago...
Its thoughts of you I have to consciously battle in lectures to not lose focus.
Its you I think of, at least once a day... finding myself reaching out for my phone punching out a message to that now familiar number.


one mid-terms down. first experience of uni mcq test over. i emerge unscathed. YAY! =) now lets just wait for the results.
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