Sometimes you really never know what you would do when faced with a certain situation till you are really caught up in it. There is no telling, no matter how many different scenarios are being pictured time and time again. You can guess but you can never correctly predict how things will turn out. Want to know my theory why? I guess that's just because you can never accurately predict another person's reaction to the situation and that plays a vital role in how the situation actually turns out.
Don't understand? Maybe it is just too obscure a rational.
The future is really uncertain. We just got to embrace changes if not we will just end up being caught in the mud time and time again. We cannot afford to do that because there are so much out there that has so much potential for us to keep discovering. Never lose your faith in anything because that may be the only thing that keeps you sane and rooted in dire times. Try though it might be hard to accept whatever cards that you are being dealt and make the best out of them.
One day a certain someone might be there right by you and the next moment he or she might be across the Pacific. Physical distance divides. As far as personal experience tells, physical distance might not be as hurting as emotional divide. How you shut one person out of your life because you just can't be bothered to take anymore nonsense or betrayal. This vast ocean that you are divided across can never be fully filled-there is not enough sand in the whole entire world to reclaim all those lost land. Once lost its hard to go back to before.
I understand this. The rift. I feel it. I hate it and yet i rejoice in it. Maybe i'm just being a coward running away but that's just one way I choose to protect myself. I retreat back into my comfort zone. The most important thing is to be able to come out again and face the rest of the world because no matter what may happen in your life, the world just keeps revolving. The cruel reality.
Just treasure moments that you have. More importantly do not stress yourself out doing things that you would rather not be involved in. Why force yourself. it would only bring about unhappiness.
"Eat, drink and be merry." Is this good advice?