Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Its back to grinding my nose.

All that fun can only last for so long. There are more important things to do and i have to LEARN to prioritize. I really got to. Though improvements are being made. Something inside me is telling me that it is not good enough and i can do loads better. I know i can so that won't be a problem being strong in willpower is the important thing.

Anyway i think i'm starting to behave like a retarded person. Haha.. Only i know what that means. So i better do something about it. =)

I got my belated birthday prezzie from tab today!!! OMG i love it so la. So cute and full of sincerity cause it is handmade. So sweet of you!! I got photos. Shall upload it next time. laziness. xp

And today i used google to look for something. I found it. And surprisingly, LISABELLE linked me. Haha... I din expect that. Really. Now i think i'm feeling somewhat nostalgic cause i'm missing them all. Not in a bad way. But haiz all the same.

Blahz. Not in that great a mood. =(
Bye then.
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