HI my darling blog i'm here again. =)
Today in a bid to know myself a little better i shall think about some questions ask myself these questions and look at the answers..
What i like about myself?
Come to think about it, there are actually lots of things that i love about myself. The saying goes that you have to love yourself before you have the capacity to love others so here goes.
I love the fact that i am ME. Not all parts of me because i accept the undeniable fact that everybody has imperfections.
I love the fact that i am random, so much so that i entertain myself.
I love it that i treasure my friends. Those who are worthy at least. xp
I love it that i am always(mostly) trying my best.
I love it that i am sociable.
I love it that i have the courage to approach virtually unknown people on the streets.
I love it that i am smart sometimes.
I love the way i am able to smile at almost everything.
I love the way i am bold and selfish sometimes.
I love the way i am able to understand even the most profound thing (maybe)
I love the fact that i love music
I love the fact that i am made to love
I love the little butterflies that i have when i'm nervous
I love the fact that i rmb small stuffs that happen and are significant to me
I love the fact that i am able to keep secrets
I could just go on and on...
It is important to think about the not so positive side too...
I dont like it that i am quite superficial at times in terms of outward appearance and friendship
I dont like it that i am not able to stay strong at the darkest hour
I dont like it that i am not able to voice out all my displeasures
I dont like it that i prefer to remain in silence
I dont like it that i am always shy with guys that i like face to face
I dont like it that i am so easily affected by people's feelings and emotions
I dont like it that i am easily swayed by different opinions
I dont like it that i neglect friends because of other friends
I dont like it that i sometimes do things that i feel obliged to
I dont like it that i am overly optimistic sometimes
I dont like it whenever i give up on myself
I dont like the fact that i am quite petty
I dont like the fact that i do judge people by their appearances
I dont like it whenever i bitch about people. I feel bad.
I dont like it that i take such long times to get over hurt and pain
I dont like the fact that i get wounded emotionally very easily
And many more...
To get a partner is to find someone who is able to accent or complement your good points while making up for all the other areas that you are lacking in. Someone to fill up the gaps to make you whole.
Good friends and trustworthy friends are like entwined fingers...