Saturday, August 26, 2006
Hello!! Very weird seeing blogger in chinese. First thought that came to my mind is that "blogger is banned in China!" So by having blogger in chinese does not really serve a very large population right?? LOL.. Yeah i think too much sometimes.

Now over at del's house. Taking a break from studying to come here and blog about today. My CIP. It was a success okie.. Glad of myself!! Heez. Din really expect it to turn out so well actually cause i did not really prepare myself totally to speak alone to the kids of siglap secondary. I was expecting my class to pass around the mike. Heex. Mrs chua complimented me by saying that i did an excellent job on the power point slides. =) Considering it was done within one period of slacking and chinese period(i dont take chinese therefore i had a free period) I should take credit. YAY!!

The presentation was not bad. Courage was needed to address the whole crowd of them. Mostly last min impromtu things were said, questions were asked and answered by the enthu sec 2 kids. And i had to do so much briefing and so much last min coordination!! I almost freaked out and die there and then. Lol.. Luckily i claimed my sanity and continued holding court in order. Hahaz.. =) So proud of myself. xp

I had such a great day. The kids were cooperative in the whole and i like my group of guys which i led. They were full of mischief but they still did the beach cleaning seriously and properly. Element of fun was there as well. =)The best part was that they enjoyed the whole thing as well. Smiles were evident on their faces and they had a great time interacting with all of us. Some of them expressed regrets when the whole activity was over. Some exchanged contacts. Some wrote in their reflection forms that we were a fun group of ppl. I am so happie!!

Then me and wanying was a couple taking care of the kids. So fun. =) After the beach cleaning, i went to the beach to enjoy the seabreeze and also to draw on the nice nice sand. Lala~ I like my angel drawn. Heex. Maybe i'll upload it up here sometime. Now i don have the program to upload it from my phone. So nice. I like the mark that we left behind on the sand. Like art piece leh. So full of expression and it looks so... well.. artistic. Xp For others to appreciate and express their approval of our masterpieces. =))

I'm supposed to be studying liao. Back to the books wif tab and del and his grandaunt and the dog for company. OH OH! One thing... The dog loves bitting and chewing on tab's hands.. Hmm.. Wad does that mean huh? One quote... " Like owner like dog" . Yeah. xp

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