Saturday, May 13, 2006
I seemed to have found motivation to start blogging in earnest!! Read through my blog just now and found that my posts are getting longer and longer. Mayybe now i'm in the mood when i blog that's why.

I shall blog about the ban mian day that we had not too long ago. This would be a outdated post though cause i'm lag in uploading the photos. bUt it would be nice! Ban mian day is a day where our class(4F) decided to honour the making of ban mian and go out for a dinner of it. LOL! I noe it does not really make much sense here but somehow, it is apparent that it is an excuse for us to see each other again. How like a big family we are!!

The gals gang! From left: felicia(tp), serene(sa), marie(vj) (my prince!! lol), me(mj), joyce(sp) and aining(mj)

All of us! From left: junyu(tj), alan(mj), jiun hoe(vj), malcolm(tpj), weikian(tj), joyce(sp), back: aining(mj), marie(vj) front: me(mj), felicia(tp) and serene(sa)

Me and fel!! Nice pic! =) Very sweet!! Heex

Serene, fel and me. We were on the escalator when we took this. It is a cozy pic! *smilez

Hmm.. so much for photos. =)
I'm glad i din look sick in them. xp panadol seem to help lots!
Airport ban mian is nice!! U should try it sometime! Especially the terminal 2 stall!! Mmm..

It was only a few days ago yet i'm already missing those darlings. Hahaz.. =)

Now i'm bored. Yicks. Geog project...
Ask me out someone!!! xp
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