Sunday, May 14, 2006
Bitter is an aftertaste... Don ya think so? Once u eat something, other tastes excite ur tastebuds first before u say it is bitter. Juz look at coffee as an example. Sometimes, i think it does not only applies to things that we eat but to everything in general... It is okie if u don understand wad i'm implying but wells, it is not that big a matter. It juz means something to me that's all...

Bitter is a taste yet it is also a feeling. LEts see... Have u ever felt very sour about something? Feeling sweet about something? I bet u did right? Or am i just such a poetic and literatural person that i have such feelings?? LOL! I'm digressing.

Argh! Limian is asking me wad colour grip do i wanna get! I said pink and he BLEHx1000 times me. Haiz.. Wad's wrong with a bimbotic racket?? xp. It is nice anyway. =) Wellz most prob i'll juz get some neutral colour like black or white.

Today's mother's day. Hmm.. Wished mom that and somehow smiled at her. Donno wad to get for her so i juz settled for a humble prezzie. Shan't say wad it is in case i get criticism. xp Went to grandma's house to celebrate greatgrandma's birthday. OOh.. is she old. 84.. Hmm.. Old woman yet she's still pretty springy come to think of it. Some ppl are juz meant to enjoy life...

Cake... Duck... Chicken. Hmm.. Ate all of that on fri at paternal grandma's house too. Then ate them again today. Blahz... Wad a horrible day i had today. First i hit my hip on the side mirror of the car then i got the lift door closing on me then i had food on my clothes. Bad day. Bad mood. Yickz. Din talk much to my aunt(who is 3 yrs older than me) and my uncle(think he's 6 yrs older) somehow think that we are not as close as we were once. Not much communication i think. That's why... Kinda sad cause i missed them now like strangers. =( I got photos but i'm lazy to upload them today. Maybe soon. I'm lazy.

I'm not coherent.
My eng is horrible.
I need to read!!
I want my hugs!!
Forget it.
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