Monday, August 29, 2005
Hahaz.. Din noe my blog entry would have such reactions!! I was juz doin it for fun nia... Lol.

VV saddening, i feel that way all of a sudden. Sad realisation. Why does it always happen this way? Everything juz don seem to go the way i want them to, when they mattered terribly. It is juz too bad lo. Not the first time and i had hoped that the last time was the LAST time. Apparently not. I'm not making much sense am i?? Blehz....... Bu yao zai shua wo le!!!!!!! =(

I'm supposed to be studying for prelims prac but no mood la. Today is juz a crap day. I'm feeling totally confused and i don wanna noe why cause it onli complicates stuff. Haiz... Wad a life, cards delt are no good but if u get 4 points who are u to complain?? Make do la...


Cherish ppl around u and u would feel loved.

Online we are friends, offline, i hardly tok to u.. Hahaz... Wad's this??!?! Argh wadever.....
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