LAla~ i've received more presents for my birthday so i'm here to say thanks. ^.^x Thanks to the whole bunch of u ppl who shared and bought me a waterbottle. It rox okie... love it lots. thanks to zhao, kel, mw, big M and W, kah zua, fel, maggie, ning, dazz, xiaomei, jun, rongs and meow... Thanks to suzanne my dear daughter for giving me that nice postcard message with such nice wishes. Thanks... it is safely in my posession and it is cute definately not messy.=) Thanks to shimin too for the cute cute notebook frm happy house. I totalli love it. Was juz commenting that day in tm that the book was so nice then u gave it to me days later as a present. Where got coincidence? Lol!-loves-
Thanks to a certain someone who has been cheering up my day... U may not noe it but those little things that u say or do brings joy into my life. I absolutely cherish all those moments. U make me laugh, being so silly at times. Aww... Long live our friendship!! =)