Thursday, December 31, 2009
My favourite photo of the year:

Took this on my family trip in Bangkok. <3

My little joy. The one who loves me unconditionally. The one who gives me hugs whenever I ask for them. My little brother, who really isn't all that little.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Did you get me anything from Japan?
Friday, December 25, 2009
The mom simply doesn't understand what books mean to me.

She keeps wanting to throw them away, to give them away.

I really hate it.

Those books were with me through so many years, occupied so much of my free time and made me so happy. In a huge way, they made me who I am today.

How does giving all of that away take away the clutter? Its just basically removing part of what I'm made of and giving it away. If they were given to some deserving soul, I wouldn't be upset but it hurts me physically and emotionally when I see my books graffiti-ed over just because some kid had a whim to make the book more colourful.

Its like taking away the prized possession of a child.

I feel violated.
This is so upsetting.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm currently reading "The Tipping Point- how little things can make a big difference" by Malcolm Gladwell.

It is a pretty interesting read because it seems to examine the intricacies that causes the success of a product/idea/innovation.

I came across this research idea in the book. It was an experiment where 3 group of students were gathered. One group had to keep nodding their heads while listening to an audio. Another had to keep shaking their heads. The control group, had to keep their head still.

The results of the experiment then showed that each group was subconsciously being sold an idea while adopting the particular head motion. Those who nod their heads were more willing to accept an idea, those who shook their heads were against the idea and those who did nothing were impartial to it.

I find it amusing and of course amazing. Doing something like nodding or shaking your head while the other party is making his pitch can affect your eventual thinking. It just goes to show how powerful our subconscious actions (or in this case, "forced" actions) are!

I was thinking about this while lying on the bed just now and suddenly something came to me. What if... the group of students that were recruited were not westerners but instead, were indians? Haha I know I'm cheeky but it certainly would cause the western researcher much headache when the experiment results came out. xp

For those of you who read the last part with a question mark over your head, here's why: Indians shake their heads when they agree and nod their heads when they disagree! Therefore the experiment results would directly contradict each other... haahahaha.

=D little nugget of information.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

you know what my heart yearns for? oh no you don't.
hee hee.
anything that strikes my fancy.

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